3d Battalion

Official command insignia for 3d Battalion, 12th Marine Littoral Regiment
12th Marine Littoral Regiment
3rd Marine Division
Collapse All Expand All
Expand List item 7046Collapse List item 7046  S1 (Admin)

S-1 Adjutant
DSN: 315-623-7764

S-1 Chief
DSN: 315-623-7765

Expand List item 7047Collapse List item 7047  S2 (Intel)

S-2 Intel Officer
DSN: 315-623-4058

S-2 Chief
DSN: 315-623-4777

Expand List item 7048Collapse List item 7048  S3 (Ops)

Operations Officer
DSN: 315-623-7763

DSN: 315-623-1157

S3 Chief
DSN: 315-623-4213

S3 Training
DSN: 315-623-4796

Expand List item 7049Collapse List item 7049  S4 (Log)

S4 Officer
DSN: 315-623-4614

DSN: 315-623-7723

S4 Chief/Embark
DSN: 315-623-1690

Motor Transport Officer
DSN: 315-623-7188

Supply Officer
DSN: 315-623-4456

Medical Officer
DSN: 315-623-4188

Expand List item 7050Collapse List item 7050  S6 (Comm)

S6 Officer
DSN: 315-623-3456/1733

S6 Chief
DSN: 315-623-4605

Radio Chief
DSN: 315-623-7183

Wire Chief
DSN: 315-623-4294

Data Chief
DSN: 315-623-4294

EM Chief
DSN: 315-623-4284

Expand List item 7051Collapse List item 7051  Supply

Supply Officer
DSN: 315-623-4456

Supply Chief
DSN: 315-623-4438

Expand List item 7052Collapse List item 7052  Chaplain

DSN: 315-623-7766

Chaplain Assistant
DSN: 315-623-7766

Expand List item 7053Collapse List item 7053  Medical

Medical Officer
DSN: 315-623-4452

Dental Clinic
DSN: 315-623-4658

Expand List item 7054Collapse List item 7054  Career Retention

Career Retention Specialist
DSN: 315-623-7750



Expand List item 7055Collapse List item 7055  Deployment Readiness

Deployment Readiness Coordinator
DSN: 315-623-7742
COM: 011-81-611-723-7742


Commanding Officer, 3d Battalion, 12th Marines

Lieutenant Colonel Frank J. Mastromauro

Lieutenant Colonel Frank J. Mastromauro, a native of Barnstable, MA, graduated from Boston University in 2006 and received his commission through the Officer Candidate Course in March 2008. Lieutenant Colonel Mastromauro reported to The Basic School in March and the Field Artillery Basic Course at...

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Official Photo

Senior Enlisted Leader, 3d Battalion, 12th Marines

Sergeant Major Joshua J. Henderson

Sergeant Major Henderson is a native of Conroe, Texas. He enlisted in the Marine Corps in April 2004 and attended recruit training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, California. Upon completion of recruit training, he received training at Marine Combat Training School (MCT), at Camp...

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Official Photo

12th Marine Littoral Regiment